



The research proposes a full body suit to detect muscle shape deformations. The suit consists of a stretchable sensor composed of a photo reflector (made up of a photo transistor and an infrared(IR) LED) and a spring. The photoreflector is embedded in the spring. When the spring is not stretched, the emitted IR light will reflect back to the phototransistor. However, when the spring is stretched, some of the emitted IR light can flow out through the aperture of the spring, reducing the light reflecting back to the transistor. Therefore, the more the spring is stretched, the less the amount of light would be detected. Here, a virtual reality(VR) system that can synchronize avatar bodies with users’ muscle shape deformations.



Arashi Shimazaki
Yuta Sugiuta
Dan Mikami(NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories)
Toshitaka Kimura(NTT Communication Science Laboratories)
Maki Sugimoto


Arashi Shimazaki, Yuta Sugiura, Dan Mikami, Toshitaka Kimura, and Maki Sugimoto. 2017. MuscleVR: detecting muscle shape deformation using a full body suit. In Proceedings of the 8th Augmented Human International Conference (AH ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 15 , 8 pages. DOI: